Thursday, July 26

simple joys

Give Thanks, that is what the Lord tells us to do, no matter all circumstances.

As i so easily slip into thoughts about me, my dreams and what i want, i loose sight of the the things my Father is blessing with me this very day. I'll call them simple joys. Those things i must not hold to closely but offer back up to my God who has showered me with so many blessings. He is the One to be thanked. He is the One to be praised. He is Sovereign to save, to bless, to draw lost to Himself, to comfort, to allow, to disciple those He loves, to answer prayer... this is a comfort.
to HIM, my beautiful Savior, i offer these simple joys:

gluten free muffins from my mum
making Thai curry with my dear brother
cleaning the house with wonderful music playing
spending time with my highschool Bible study leader
hearing my co-worker talk about Christ at work in Her life
children at vacation bible school with big genuine smiles
getting to see my niece's face on my phone background ALL the time:)
talking with my wise father
watching my brother and his girlfriend build a lizard cage in the back yard
absentmindedly almost putting laundry soap in the fridge! oops
vacation bible school songs that talk about the beautiful characteristics of my Lord
reading others blogs.. God's teaching so many
praying for my mom as she's with my grandparents
a bag of marshmallows..:)
a healing bee sting
driving in a hot car, for some reason i love absorbing the heat with the windows down
feeling the pain of so many hurting in this world and knowing He has a plan
12 days left at home sweet home.
sun setting
Pandora: Sovereign Grace Music radio station

1 comment:

Rachael Nicole said...

Such a good list! Thanks, Trudi. :) hehe...the part about building the lizard cage made me smile.