Tuesday, February 5


to expound on worship.
 its been on my mind for some time...growing as ive seen myself fight within over who and what deserves my praise.
people... oh how i idolize certain people.. friendships...yes i hold them tight and think about them often... people and friendships when turned into an idol quickly...very quickly disappoint and frustrate us.. frustration is when someone isn't meeting your expectation... this is a downward spiral..
dissatisfaction...yes its an idol too...it steals my energy, my thoughts, and wheres on my emotions... for it births anxiety, fear, longings, and painful or beautiful dreamed up circumstances...desiring anything but where i am right now... worshiping dissatisfaction is seen in the amount of time i invest thinking or complaining about my present situation...
the list could go on...not only do i worship people. relationships. dissatisfaction...but also succeeding, praise from others...or being wanted, having plans...and ect.

oh Christ. refine my heart..steel it and may it worship You and You only.

"Worship is only fitting and proper for God..." Pastor Pat
"Worship is an active response to the character, words and actions of God, initiated by His revelation and enabled by His redemption, whereby the mind is transformed, the heart renewed, and actions are surrendered, all in accordance with His will and in order to declare His infinite worthiness" (http://www.theopedia.com/Worship)
Worship God as Creator: 
" For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen." Rms 11:36
"For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him."

All things are from Him and for His glory... worship. worship. worship.

He is worthy. No other thing, person, thought...nothing is worthy of worship..
Only my Creator, King, Father, and precious Savior...He is worthy.

Practically...in all things, Lord show me how i can worship You, choosing to remain in Your grace... Your grace that intentionally pursues my heart...claiming the liberty i stand in when i'm tempted to entertain thoughts that don't honor You...may i see You working in such real ways in and through those around me that it leads me to worship you...bring me to places where the hard and the tired days...are okay because they are opportunities to worship your sufficient strength and your trustworthy, sovereign, faithful Hand... You are Worthy... Your Promises are true.

i worship You.