Friday, October 18

Always a Season to Love

Seasons, oh season..
Seasons of growth; learning
There are seasons of sadness; Being challenged deep
Seasons of Change; It is good it is hard
Unknown seasons; what might be around the bend
Seasons of unsatisfied hearts; Contentment is hard to grasp
Fantastic seasons to rejoice; joy should remain
Seasons of war; victory is only found in His Name
No mater what season; It is always a season to love
To love well because, unlike seasons, Love never changes

I find myself continually being places into seasons of life which I never could have planned...though the changes  that continues to come are always for good they are not always easy. When days seem harder I find myself looking inward...but Christ faithfully draws me out. He reminds me that every day is a gift from Him and for His glory. No mater what comes my way I am sourced into His unlimited, perfect love which I am to embrace and pour out to others.

trust and obey

What does a heart of obedience look like?
Yielding to the Spirit of God
Go or Stay
Listening to His call to be still
Trusting Him and His timing
Resting in His unchanging character
Walk in purity and uprightness
Wait for Christ to meet me
Listen for Him to speak truth into my selfish heart
Learn to be quiet inside and out
Trust in the cleansing blood of my Savior to make my desires one with His
Saying Yes when my first instinct is to say no
Most of all a heart of obedience effects eternity
It reflects the very life of Christ
Continual dying to self
Glorifying my Father in Heaven