Thursday, July 26


"Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality." Romans 12.13

This verse came to mind this morning when my mom asked me if i was ready to work hard to clean the house for the guests that came tonight... my initial reaction in my head was, nooo... we keep having guests over and ive helped so much already since being home..

Yet its my parents joy to open our home to people... to bless them with a meal and a time to swim...ever since i can remember its always been their joy. I grew up asking "is anyone coming over for dinner tonight?" :) even though we had to work hard i still loved it!

Conclusion, hospitality takes work, yet it is still more blessed to give then to receive and i pray some day when i have my own home that i too would make that extra step, be okay with a longer 'to-do' list so that i can practice hospitality.  

(post that's been sitting as a draft for too long)

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