Thursday, December 15

my prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father,
As I reflect upon Your faithfulness... this is my prayer.
May all that I've studied this semester go from my head to be hidden deep with in my heart. May Your Word penetrate deep within my being. By the Spirits work in my life may the New Man that I am in Christ Jesus grow more and more into His likeness. Oh the Old Man that I was. My flesh. My sin nature. it doesn't change. but choosing to claim the truth that my old man died on the cross with Christ is the place where new life is found. My identity in Christ. Oh Father, what does that even look like? The WORD tells me I have every blessing in the heavenly places, I'm a saint, co-heirs with Christ, adopted, chosen, his disciple, a servant, a bride, ....the list goes on. WOW. yet the thing that blows me away is that its not of me..not because i deceiver these titles. no. God looks at me through the cross. seeing the New Man that i am in Christ Jesus. Oh Lord may these truths grow with in the depths of my soul. I'm thankful for where You, O Lord, have lead me and i ask that you would continually remind me to find my satisfaction and contentment in You. My prayer moving into the next semester is what Paul urged the Ephesians: "Therefore I, the prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, accepting one another in love, diligently keeping the unity of the Spirit with the peace that binds us." Ephesians 4:1-3 Oh that humility would come from my growing understanding of who i am before the cross of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice. Lord may i see the great need for the unity of the Spirit, and what it looks like to walk worthy of Your calling upon my life. Minister to my heart, O Lord, and remind me daily of Your satisfying love that should motivate me to walk in a way that portrays the gospel. This is my prayer in faith clinging to the promise that You are holding every aspect of my life in the palm of Your hand and to claim Your peace that passes all understanding in every circumstance that is to come. In Jesus Christ's name, Amen

1 comment:

denise said...

Beautiful Trudes... a prayer for all our hearts... thanks for sharing :)