"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in yo
ur sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." Pslam 19:14
Do we talk just to talk?
To fill the empty noise?
Do we talk to talk over the Spirits inner voice?
So often we talk just to know more and share more.
As if when we talk it will help us find a place in this world.
Who deemed it okay to talk of our inner trials?
What human-being can really understand our life's long miles?
When we talk just to talk we miss something huge.
Who ever thought the spirit might want to talk to you?
So stop talking...No don't really stop talking.
But next time you want to talk...think.
Am I talking just to be talking?
-Trudianne Dalton
"Examine me, O Lord, and test me! Evaluate my inner thoughts and motives. For i am ever looking toward your faithfulness and your loyalty continually motivates me" Psalm 26:2-4